Monday, April 18, 2011

Training Warriors

April - One of the first things we did when we arrived in Athens, Georgia was to locate a martial arts school. This was something my boys have wanted to do for years. God led us to ABBA (American Black Belt Academy) where we immediately felt at home. That is where we met Matt as he gave us the tour and then our first lessons. Matt & I felt a spiritual connection and soon after he & I began to meet, where I discipled him. This has been an amazing journey for both of us. We are seeing God increase His presence at ABBA, allowing us nearly daily opportunities to minister to the other instructors, as well as students there. We know that God has brought us to Athens to be a part of this community.

My name is Matt Graham, I'm a martial arts instructor at American Black Belt Academy here in Athens. I am so blessed by Steve and his family! I have the honor of teaching Steve and his sons the martial arts. They bring such life to the academy. When I first met Steve and sons I knew they were not here by chance. It wasn't long before I started meeting with Steve to hear about his family's radical lifestyle and to gain more knowledge of Christ. Since then we have been meeting every week for over a year. It has greatly affected my life and the lives of other students at the academy. By mentoring and lea
ding me in Christ I am able to love and lead others at the school on a much higher level. It doesn't stop with me, Steve speaks truth and love into the lives other instructors and students. I've have seen such change in the academy.

God has called American Black Belt Academy to a greater purpose and he is using the Smith family to do it. Our mission is to now lead people into a growing relationship with God through the martial arts. In our training for physical battles we are better equipped to understand the spiritual warfare that surrounds us. We are in the business of training warriors for God. For His Glory!!!
Matt Graham
Instructor - American Black Belt Academy
Athens, GA
18 April 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Building Unity

February - I was privileged to be introduced to Athens Church on one of my exploratory trips to Georgia, long before we moved here. From the very beginning Athens Church staff invited us to Athens and welcomed us with open arms when we arrived! A strategic partner with North Point, Athens Church is having a powerful impact on Athens. Since arriving I have connected with Sean Seay, Lead Pastor there, who not only is very supportive of bringing the pastors together to pray, he has invited me to his office to pray on a regular basis. Here are some of his thoughts on it.
My name is Sean Seay and I'm thankful to be the Lead Pastor of Athens Church. When I first arrived in Athens over 6 years ago I began meeting the local pastors who were here serving faithfully before I arrived. I met men who had been here a few months and others who had served here for over 30 years. They were all gracious, but only a few of the relationships made any significant progress. When God brought Steve to Athens it seems that this began to improve. His humble heart, willingness to serve, and unity mindset have been a huge encouragement. Not only do I feel I benefit from praying with him with the other pastors each month, but I also greatly enjoy our individual prayer times. He has been a massive source of encouragement. I truly feel God is using him in the city of Athens in a unique way. I praise God for Steve & his prayer partnership. Sean Seay
Lead Pastor - Athens Church
Athens, GA
17 February 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Being an Aaron

January 2011 - When I was in the "spying out the land" phase of things here in Athens earlier this year, visiting churches, meeting pastors and trying to get a grip on what God might have for us here, one of the lead pastors said to me; "You have got to meet David. I am sure you guys will really hit it off!" Not too long after that we did meet and we really did connect. David is a friend whom I consider it a real joy and privilege to journey together toward the uncharted waters called the future, all for God's glory! David recently published an excellent book entitled, Pastoring with Passion. I highly recommend it! Here's his thoughts on our journey together...
I was born and raised in Georgia, but pastored in Wisconsin for eighteen years. By faith, my family and I moved back to Georgia three years ago. I had no job or ministry position. While waiting on the Lord, and now as an Associate Pastor at Watkinsville First Baptist, Steve Smith has been a real "Aaron" to me in holding up my arms and supporting me in countless ways. Steve is a true prayer warrior and lover of pastors! He has taken a genuine interest in my personal walk, my family, and my ministry. I love meeting with him for wisdom and friendship. I have learned to come to our times together with pen and paper in hand. Why? Because he is often sharing truth I want to be sure to remember. I love this brother and know I have a friend for life.
David Holt
Associate Pastor - Watkinsville First Baptist Church
Watkinsville, GA
26 January 2011

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Journeying Together

December - Jeff and I have journeyed together for several years. We started meeting soon after we had arrived back in the USA. God allowed me to be there at key points for him. When we moved to Georgia, Jeff and I continued to meet (via phone) each week for prayer, encouragement and coaching. Here is his take on it...

During the past few years my weekly prayer times with Steve Smith have brought many personal insights, focus, and overall health in the ministries I am a part of at the church where I lead.

I have appreciated the way Steve will listen and ask the deeper questions to help identify, address, and release the tensions of ministry within me. I have also valued the fact that whatever I need to share with Steve, he has been able to hear the deepest, darkest aspects of my life without judgment or fear of what it was that I could choose to do with all the options that lay before me.

I have always valued prayer enough to have intercessors praying with me, paving the way for the work that God wanted me to do. However, I very much wrestle with my personal commitment to praying on my own. Steve and I have shared very insightful moments in prayer together, and I have never questioned Steve’s motives or his agenda when we have met. This time with Steve is one of the highlights of my week.

For me, it would be easy to say that I am too busy for another prayer meeting. I can say without any doubt in my own mind that these times of prayer together have been essential to where I am in ministry today. Quite humbly, I would add that I would not be in ministry today if it were not for these times with Steve. What I am sharing is less about Steve and more about the way God uses Steve to represent His love and grace in my life.

I’m grateful that God’s brought our paths together during this season. My life has been impacted in ways that have breathed new life into me for the work that God still has before me. Whether you share a similar experience with Steve Smith or another intercessor, my prayer for you would be that you would find joy in the work God’s called you to do and that you would run your race in a way that would allow you to endure to the end—finishing well! The local church needs more leaders like this!

"I have brought you glory on earth
by completing the work you gave me to do."
John 17:4

Jeff Logsdon
Pastor - The Flipside
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
25 December 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

More than stoked!

November - On a beautiful Georgia Autumn day, I had the opportunity to spend several hours with David Walters. First we prayed together through their building. It was some serious intercession stuff! Then we hopped in the car and went up to the land that has just been given to them to build on. We praised God together and prayed there on the land. David is more than stoked about this generous gift of 11 1/2 acres that his denomination has given their church! David started The Vine a bit over three years ago and is excited about the days ahead. He has a heart and vision to impact Braselton and beyond. And it is a privilege for me to journey with him as a friend!On the land!
David Walters
Lead Pastor - The Vine
Braselton, GA
10 November 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

God's Timing

October - When we began feeling the stirrings about moving to Georgia we took several trips out South to prayerfully check it out. Kyle & Robin (Pastor of Athens Vineyard Fellowship) were the first to open their home and hearts to me, and then to our family. To me, Kyle has been the "man of peace" who provided an open door for us to this city (Luke 10). It just so happened (as if there are coincidences with God) that our lives converged just when they needed a voice of encouragement and support. Listen to what Kyle says about it...
I thank God for sending Steve to Georgia when he did! He providentially provided a knowledgeable and informed encourager to walk alongside me and help me think through my calling, strategy, and vision. He is aware of resources unknown to me, is able to see what I'm doing with fresh eyes, and provides non-judgmental advice in a pastor's world where it can be very difficult to earn the right to have a voice in someone's life. Again, thank God for Steve Smith. His timing was crucial for this pastor.
Kyle Wise
Lead Pastor - Athens Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Athens, GA
30 October 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010


September - Besides gathering together and praying with the lead pastors each month I also get to meet with individual pastors to pray one on one. Mark Palmer was one of these pastors whom I was privileged to pray with in September. Mark started Ekklesia this summer with their first service on June 27th. They met at the Creative Theatre at Memorial Park until just a few weeks ago when they began services at Seney Stovall Chapel. Ekklesia has a heart for those who are not connected to churches. One mid-week morning we got into their facilities and had a great prayer time focusing on their new congregation, its leadership (Mark & Rhonda included) and God's dream for them. Here is Mark standing right outside their historic meeting place. Mark Palmer
Lead Pastor – Ekklesia
Athens, GA